Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Project Promotion - Ellie's cute Menu Idea

I actually found this post as I was trolling, and Ellie had been promoted by another blog I follow. Called "blog trade-off" Holly promotes another blogger she likes. In a way, I guess I am trading off both these very special bloggers. I am so glad to have found this, so I am posting an idea I hope to try.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In case you missed it

In case you missed my 10min. Fridge Board, go check it out.  its a VERY easy project that I promise will revolutionize (ok may that's a little extreme) your kitchen.  Maybe it just makes your fridge look a little less...BLEH. I'm just IN LOVE with our's and it makes me WANT to menu plan for the week.

Today, I had 3 free minutes...yeah that's pretty much it, and decided to add a little pizzazz.


nothing a little rosette and feather won't fix...

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