Thursday, January 10, 2013

Linus Project - January contribution

At the heart of my life's passion is charity. Donating time and/or items to causes has always appealed to me. I love quilting.....and I love blankets. When I first heard of The Linus Project, I was thrilled and have wanted to become involved. Last year I visualized a year long project. Each month, I would complete a blanket. Sounds scary maybe. But remembering that my other passion in life is environmental consciousness, I decided to make repurposeed blankets instead of brand new ones. January is done.
I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
Two items were recycled from waste:  a maroon fleece blanket with frayed edges and a pair of worn women's cotton pajama pants.

I challenge you to become involved with causes you support........find ways to combine your interests in life to make a difference.

Cost for this project:  $0
Time for this project:  2 hours

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