Sunday, January 13, 2013

Linus Project - February and March contributions

Ok, so I must confess..........I had really wanted to do the Linus Project last year, and my lofty goals were replaced with finalizing my graduate thesis and looking for a new job.  So, I did have a bit of a headstart for 2013.  Whitney reminds me that I am a whole year behind.

I guess it would be a good thing to knock out all 12 blankets early this year and then turn my attention to other things.

February's is a green/white polka dot quilt.  Three items were recycled:  an old polka dot curtain that was very faded in the middle, an inoperable electric blanket (wires removed) and a pair of pajama bottoms.

Total cost:  $3
Total hours:  6

The hand quilting took the bulk of time for this.  I did not have enough fabric to make wider edging, so I hand stitched it down.

March's is a throw away fleece blanket from one of those kits you see.  It was in a jumbled mess when I found it, and after carefully separating the ties and laying it flat, I decided I'd make a smaller tied fleece blanket.  The lil' bows on the sides were an afterthought.  The kit had button holes on the sides to tie together with those contrasting fleece pieces, and when I approximated cutting the button holes off, it would've made the finalized blanket too narrow.  So, I did some fancy stitch work to keep as much of the original fleece.  The bows were hand stitched to hide the original button holes.

Total cost:  $0
Total hours:  2

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