Sunday, January 27, 2013

Leftover Lunch: Chicken Spaghetti

When shopping for chicken, it is often less expensive to purchase whole chicken than boneless.  I can usually find chicken breast with attached ribs at $1 pound as opposed to the $4.99 pound of boneless breast.  What  I am most often asked is what to do with the bones.  Whether I start with a whole chicken or with those pieces with bones, once I trim off the bulk of the meat, I put the bones in a pan of water and cook.  Once cool, save the broth and completely debone.  Depending on how much broth you end up with, you can divide, if needed for several recipes.  You should have about 2 cups of broth / chicken pieces.

1 envelope spaghetti seasoning
1 can tomato paste
Thin spaghetti pasta
Optional:  onion, bell pepper, mushroom

Add only the broth to a 3 qt saucepan.  Add extra water if  needed.  Your pot should be about 2/3 full.
In a bowl, combine the chicken pieces, envelope of spaghetti seasoning, tomato paste and any option vegetables you want to add.  Stir together.  Add chicken broth until you have a consistency you want.  I like my sauce thicker than most jar sauces.  Set aside.

Bring the chicken broth to a boil and cook the pasta according the package directions.  Drain.

Add the sauce to the pasta and stir.

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