Sunday, August 4, 2013

Linus Project - August contribution

August's contribution is a completely one-of-a-kind quilt that I started working on during Christmas 2012.  I had seen this calendar at Hobby Lobby on clearance for 2013 with different cupcakes.  Whitney stole my calendar, but the idea for a cupcake applique remained with me.  It took me several attempts to get my two contrasting pieces of the cupcake shape to fit together into a nice shape.  I made a dozen different appliques, and then decided to use most of them into a quilt.

The material for the quilt top is completely repurposed from other projects.  I purchased the blue floral contrast for the front piece and the Flower Power print for the back piece to tie this together.

Total Cost:  $8
Total Hours:  16

Linus Project - July contribution

July's contribution is a Shabby Chic Americana made with recycled colored denim and soft floral prints.  All the fabric I purchased at the Goodwill Blue Hanger store, most of which had stains or tears that would put most of these clothing items trashable.  I originally saw the idea on Pinterest.  I changed the inspiration directions by:  using colored denim and by leaving a slight edge when I sewed down the denim on the front so that the denim would ravel a lil' bit.

Total Cost:  $11.50
Total Hours:  20

Linus Project - April, May and June contributions

I can scarce believe I have let months go by without blogging about my Linus Project contributions.  Lots of personal issues have kept me fairly busy, but I have managed to keep up with completing each month's blanket on time....just not the blogging portion.

So, here are April, May and June's contributions.

April's is completely recycled.  The fabric is left-over from other projects.  The top is a lime green floral pattern with large flowers and squiggly vines in pink, orange and yellow.  The back is a soft yellow thin fleece.

Total Cost:  $0
Total Hours:  3

May's contribution is another completely recycled blanket.  the top piece is a thin plaid fleece that I salvaged from being thrown out..  I cut off the frayed and dirty edges and was able to save a piece large enough for a kid sized blanket.  The back piece is a black cotton left over from another project.

Total Cost:  $0
Total Hours:  3

June's contribution took a while to complete.  My mom is always on the lookout for crafting materials for me, and somewhere, she had found a small collection of blues / greys / greens that I have had for a while and not sure what to do with them.  The other colors were left-overs from a Shabby Chic project a couple years ago.  I started making granny squares that eventually morphed into June's crocheted contribution.  The only thing I had to purchase were two skeins of black yarn to tie this blanket together.  This ended up being the largest blanket in my donations because I just kept adding squares.  My daughters keep trying to steal it.  At Whitney's insistence, I kept the decorative yellow
lacey edging.

Total Cost:  $6
Total Hours:  30